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Wisdom Nuggets What Patients Have Taught Me
Wisdom Nuggets What Patients Have Taught Me

“So we get up and start again asking...what was that lesson for?”
“So we get up and start again asking...what was that lesson for?”

“Shake off and let go what doesn't work for you anymore.”
“Shake off and let go what doesn't work for you anymore.”

“The Journey is made one chapter at a time... not knowing the outcome.”
“The Journey is made one chapter at a time... not knowing the outcome.”

Perceptions govern thoughts.
Thoughts govern actions.
Actions lead to behaviors.
Behaviors lead to outcomes.
You can monitor your thoughts
and choose differently
to have a different outcome.
Perceptions govern thoughts.
Thoughts govern actions.
Actions lead to behaviors.
Behaviors lead to outcomes.
You can monitor your thoughts
and choose differently
to have a different outcome.


Your Expert in Integrative Functional Restorative Medicine and Age Management. Welcome to our Practice.

Margaret Merrifield MD, CCFP, FCFP 509-628-3060
4960 Rau Lane, Richland WA 99352 iServing the Tri Cities since 1997
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