Your Expert in Integrative Functional Restorative Medicine and Age Management
Your Expert in Integrative Functional Restorative Medicine and Age Management

Integrated Functional Medicine care involves investigating imbalances at the physical, intellectual, emotional, and ‘big picture’ levels. It offers many options based on a patient’s past history, family history and testing outcomes.
We share insights, tips for success and decades of clinical experience to help you obtain optimal health, hormonal balance, low inflammation and abundant energy.

The BrainSpan Report: Valid Precise Actionable
The Health of Your Cells Dictate the Health of Your Brain and entire Body
Powerful Technologies for Superior Anti-aging results without anesthetic or downtime

Margaret Merrifield MD, CCFP, FCFP 509-628-3060
4960 Rau Lane, Richland WA 99352 iServing the Tri Cities since 1997
www.drmerrifieldmd.com RestoredHealthbyChoice.org