Your Voices, Your Stories
Your Voices, Your Stories
Hospital CEO...
As a former hospital CEO with 25 years in the industry, plus my 8 years as an officer in the Medical Service Corps of the Navy, and on top of my advanced degrees in Public Health from Columbia University, I feel confident commenting on Dr. Merrifield as my integrative health physician over the past 12 years. She is caring, compassionate, available, intelligent, competent, knowledgeable, current, articulate, sensitive, communicative, direct, insightful, and accomplished. Dr. Merrifield is the rare practitioner one hopes to find and have on your medical team. I have entrusted my life to her care, as has my wife. Dr. Merrifield has identified, treated, and solved complex medical conditions that left my team of other specialists stumped. You can not find a better human being, or a more exceptional physician than Dr. Merrifield. Unfortunately, there are not enough stars on this scale to rate her more highly. "
September 1, 2020
Dr. Merrifield helped me through one of the hardest things I have ever been through in my life. I got a severe case of the shingles all around one side of my torso, and after 2 rounds of prescription medication and cream, my husband contacted Dr. Merrifield. Dr. Merrifield listened to my story and gave me a natural and vitamin blend that relieved the outbreak and minimized the pain in just a couple of days. After suffering for a couple of weeks, Dr. Merrifield was a blessing for me and was there in my time of need, I will be forever grateful.
May 11, 2021
Two years ago I was diagnosed with a rare disease and encouraged to have 'no more pregnancies'. I was extremely sad. I has on steroids with a moon face, facial hair and felt miserable. I am now off steroids, the mother of a beautiful son and my disease is gone. I am so grateful for the care I have received. A J 2019
7 year old
My son had whole body rashes since he was a few months old. Two years ago, at age five, I brought him to Dr Merrifield and the rashes are gone. 2019
Kindergarten Teacher
Thank you for a more beautiful face, healthier body and happier heart. Your love, time, and care for each of us is a tremendous gift! Thank you for practicing medicine from your heart and mind. I slept like a baby after my crystal biomat and Oxy-Geneo facial pampering. I love you sweet, smart women! KL Dec 14 2018
My Pollogen Oxy-Geneo facial experience was simply fantastic! I am 24 years old and had never had a professional facial performed before, but found my inaugural treatment to be very restorative and soothing. The atmosphere provided at Dr. Merrifield's clinic adds to this effect, what with the soft-lit room, spa table warmed by a rejuvenating amethyst crystal mat, relaxing meditative music, hydrating alkaline water provided, and the gentle presence of Tammy, who administered my facial. All of these factors combined to create a healing space of calm relaxation. I chose the NeoRevive treatment, and following the exfoliation and oxygenation of my skin, I felt truly refreshed and my skin activated and awakened, especially after the post-facial application of the Lira brand hyaluronic acid that Dr. Merrifield's team uses to further support skin hydration. Since moving to Tri-Cities about two and a half years ago from the much more humid west side of the state, I have struggled with my previously flawless complexion, which has developed small, persistent blemishes. Though in just one treatment they did not dissipate completely, they have seemed less inflamed since having the facial and I have not noticed new ones appearing. In general, my skin has felt baby soft and seemed more even-toned. When I raise my eyebrows, I have one particularly deep wrinkle that forms, and I've noticed a general tightening of the skin since having the facial, which has reduced the depth of that wrinkle. And this is just after one approximately 25-minute treatment! I was truly surprised, as a person often skeptical of results toted on TV ads and on the backs of product packages. This is really a great product that's great for the skin, administered by a great staff that has a passion for what they do in a great atmosphere. Thank you, Dr. Merrifield, Tammy, and the rest of your phenomenal team--I look forward to seeing you next time! Laura
Quilt Artist
This is the only food plan that has ever worked for me. 15 years ago I gained 50 pounds and have never been able to take it off. It is wonderful to finally be in control of food, instead of food controlling me. I am full, satisfied and excited AND losing weight. My daughter and I are doing it together and it is fun! The most amazing thing is I bought some dark chocolate for little nibbles, and it sat on the counter for 3 days before I even opened it. Before...it would have been gone in a day or less! I feel good and am looking forward to a slimmer, healthier future.THANK YOU! JRC
Student 15
I had acne that just wouldn’t go away. Accutane and medicine helped but the change in my diet, especially going off gluten foods and pop, made the most difference. KS
Registered Nurse of 32 years
Finally painless intercourse after two years of no help with traditional medical care. I hear so many patients complain of the 5-10 minute appointment which is just not adequate time to address the underlying cause of illness in a wholistic approach. Dr Merrifield takes the time and has the knowledge to restore health in partnership with the patient. ML
Project Control Lead, Philanthropic Educational Org.
I survived cancer and all that goes with that: drugs, radiation, surgery, the assault on the body and mind. My entire being was at an all time low. 10 years ago I searched and found a doctor who treats the whole being with a preventive approach. I now have increased energy, rebuilt my bones, lowered my cholesterol, and I feel so much better at all levels. It is a process and a journey that I’m glad I took. SH
Recently Retired Kindergarten Teacher
9 years ago I found this practice at the advice of a NP. I came because of cluster migraine headaches and the hot flashes were horrible. I was trying to live an integrated medicine lifestyle and couldn’t find support. I loved that I was told again and again, ”Oh, we can fix that”...and we did. CEJ
Materials Specialist for Large Nuclear Power Plant
I feel great! Both my husband and I lost significant weight on the full plate diet concept! It is unbelievable how easy it is to do! People are noticing my healthy habits and asking me ‘what am I doing’. My body feels clean after all these years! We are never hungry and eat a lot! The sugar is not calling our name anymore. Thank you! MB
Retired Officer Nuclear Navy
Within months I came off my high blood pressure and cholesterol medications. That was over a year ago. I experience more energy than I have in decades thanks to this way of living and thinking. What a difference to my life. JLD
Homemaker and mother of 4
I was existing and felt that I was dying both physically and mentally 4 years ago. No one could figure it out. Told me again and again, “I don’t really know”. Today I look forward to life. I know that the better care I take care of myself and take care of ALL of me, the more it blesses me. And therefore, a blessing to others. My body is my house. It needs attention and care. It is the only one I have. TR
Para Educator
This program and way of self care in partnership with my doctor makes me feel better about my life and my body. That’s all I have to say and that says it all. SE
I came to this practice as a very low energy, highly stressed woman with imbalanced hormones. I am now am a very high energy, balanced, unstressed woman. Why? Because of the program: diet, education, and support at all levels. I sleep like a baby ...a new thing for me... finally! PM
HR Professional
7 years ago I got in after being years on the waiting list! The reason I wanted this kind of care is because many told me about their experiences. This doctor uses all the resources, conventional and alternative, to meet my needs. They are always open to hearing my ideas and suggestions. Not only am I better physically but ‘the fog has lifted’. I can think clearly now! That is such a gift! M
Physical Therapist
The gains that I have made are truly phenomenal at all levels. My weakness is resolving and my strength is returning. I can run again and my core strength is back. My eating patterns are changed. I now use food for nutrition, not just centered around the next party and celebration. Food sensitivities, once identified, made a huge difference. The secondary gains I did not expect...my psoriasis cleared up, my skin is softer and I heal faster. NP
Teacher, Mother
I sure appreciate that fact that Dr. Merrifield is so good at diagnosing the problems and not just treating the symptoms. She is not so quick to hand out drugs which may have side effects of their own. My husband loves the effect that this way of eating has on the whole family. My children's friends love that we all eat together and eat so healthy. JH

Grateful Woman
Grateful Woman
The level of care, support and education is fantastic. Having been a patient/client for many years, I am consistently impressed by the professionalism of every staff member I come in contact with.
Thank you! JE

A Better Fit for Me
I have spent 25 years trying to get away from a system where a physician gave me pills for every ailment. I honestly believe the doctors that I saw did their best and cared for me. I continued to look for a physician who had a philosophy of natural health and healing who would work with me as a partner for improvement of my health. I found that with Dr Merrifield and Associates. LM
I am no longer a 'Mess'!
I feel fantastic, So much different that when I first came. I feel like myself again. I was a mess in 03/99. Thanks! PC
Elderly Home Care Worker
I went to the ER with a rash twice because I couldn’t sleep and was miserable. My entire body was in meltdown. Multiple doctors took pictures of my rash and no one could figure it out. No one thought it could be food. It was food. Now I am well and learn what works for me no matter what the doctors believe. JA
Student age 8
Since I found out that I had an egg allergy, not the kind that puts me in hospital, just the kind that made me sick with stomach aches, achey and snotty. The stomach aches were the worst and I missed a lot of school. I am now better, back in school full time, and growing like a weed. No more stomach aches. GR