Hours Appointments New Patient Info Map
Hours Appointments New Patient Info Map
CLINIC is open
Tuesday - Friday: 10AM-5PM
Change AUGUST 1, 2021 TUESAY - FRIDAY: ​10AM-5PM
HIPAA safe Tele-VIDEO VISITS is offered due to the COVID-19 and to meet the needs of patients.
Tuesday to Friday: by appointment
Evening/weekend appointments may be available to accommodate your needs.
PHONE: 509-628-3060
FAX: 509-628-3024
Address: 4960 Rau Lane, Richland, WA 99352
(Note: Your GPS may say 'Rau Street')
Scheduling an Appointment:
- Please call the office to schedule, change or to cancel an appointment.
- Without a 48 hour Notice there is a 'No show/Cancellation Fee of $50 ' unless an unforeseen extenuating circumstance arises (accident, birth...). We are here, the space is held for you, and others will use it if you are unable to..
- If you are interested in becoming a patient, please read through this website. We have very few appoinments times for takingon new patients. We are making available some of the more inportant funcrional medicine testing as an option. Pleas call or email us summarizing your 'story' and how you think we could help at info@drmerrifieldmd.com
Preparing for your to your Appointment:
You will be asked to summarize your 'story and concerns' for review at your appointment and asked to bring a detailed week diet with Rx/OTC medications,and specifics on nutrients taken. This saves time and costs to you.
- If you are a new patient you will be given a New Patient Package and asked to write out your story in chronological order to get a thorough history. Nothing is stored in an Electronic Medical Record. It is all hard copy secure. After every visit you will be given copies of everything therefore you will have a duplicate of your record at Merrifield and Associates.
- Start with your birth. Where were you born and how was your health as a child? When did you start to become unwell? What were your symptoms? Whom did you see? What was done (tests, treatments)? Did it help? Did you experience any side effects? What are your primary concerns.
- This will save us time and help organize your thoughts. It will help cost efficiency and time effectiveness at your visits.
- You will receive a gift of Chart Tabs at your first visit to help you set-up your Personal Medical Record/File.
- Know who your current insurance is and their out-of-network coverage.
- Bring copies of recent labs, x-rays, surgeries, consults etc for our records.
- Make a set of records for yourself.
- Bring a picture of yourself.
- If you are on a tight schedule, call ahead to see if we are running on time.
Questions or clinical information?
Questions or clinical information?
Please call the office 509-628-3060 and leave a detailed message. Leave your name and number twice and speak clearly. Thank you.
If we are with a patient we will get back to you ASAP during working hours.
Non Clinical Email and ReOrders Only: mynutrients@gmail.com or mynutrients@drmerrifieldmd.com
CLICK here for: MAP and Directions