My Nutrients Superior eStores and Dispensaries
My Nutrients Superior eStores and Dispensaries

For your convenience we now offer nutritional products online in addition to our clinic dispensary.
These sources are highly recommended as they guarantee product purity, safety and freshness.
Dr Merrifield's formulations for cost effective base nutraceuticals available ONLY through the clinic.
Please call the office or em​ail us at
ImmunoBiotic Happy Brain Complete Multi Vitamin Mineral Cholesterol Plus CAL MAg 1:1 Ratio
For your convenience we now offer nutritional products online in addition to our clinic dispensary.
These sources are highly recommended as they guarantee product purity, safety and freshness.
Dr Merrifield's formulations for cost effective base nutraceuticals available ONLY through the clinic.
Please call the office or em​ail us at
ImmunoBiotic Happy Brain Complete Multi Vitamin Mineral Cholesterol Plus CAL MAg 1:1 Ratio

Discounted Supplements DIRECT from the Manufacturer to our Patients…
Why choose to buy directly from the manufacturer? To assure product purity and freshness.
Discounted Supplements DIRECT from the Manufacturer to our Patients…
Why choose to buy directly from the manufacturer? To assure product purity and freshness.
Our supplement partners are dedicated to providing safe, quality product that contain what they claim and work to keep contaminants and toxins out.
Dr Merrifield carefully selected these companies based on both quality and customer care. She feels that it is important to purchase directly from the manufacturer if possible to avoid the pitfalls of grey-market products, outdated or mislabeled product and know that you are obtaining the freshest product available. Supplement companies will stand by products sold though registered resellers such as Wellevate. They will not stand by third party resellers found on the internet. Most of the higher quality supplement providers will only sell through practitioners offices or qualified resellers (who are not to sell openly on the internet).
It is well known that there is a wide variation in quality when it comes to supplements. The FDA allows a product to be sold of over 50% of the ingredient is in present. Too often, what is claimed to be in the bottle is simply not accurate - either by dose or by quality. Precisely which ingredients are used is important. Vit D2 is not the same as Vit D3, and Vit E as alpha tocopherol is not the same as high gamma mixed tocopherols. Dr Merrifield takes the time to find the appropriate medical foods and supplements for her patients' needs. see COVID-19 Protocols and Base Nutrients options
DIRECT from the Manufacturer to our Patients
Free Shipping for all eStore Orders with Lightening Fast Delivery - 3 days see COVID-19 Protocols and Base Nutrients options
DIRECT from the Manufacturer to our Patients
Free Shipping for all eStore Orders with Lightening Fast Delivery - 3 days
We want our patients and their families/friends to have access to this excellent value of exceptional supplements and medical foods. DFH will not guarantee products from third party sellers because they cannot verify the transport and storage etc. DFH has a direct arrangement with Amazon to sell at a marked up price.
Design's for Health provides health practitioners top quality professional strength supplements since 1989 that includes targeted PALEO and KETO products. Their "Science First" philosophy ensures their products are based on the most recent research and made from the highest quality raw ingredients. They maintain a strict, no compromise approach to quality raw material selection and never cut corners with substandard ingredients. Buy from the clinic or from the source for guaranteed freshness and quality.
The price will always be better direct from DFH with your specials for all orders and will always beat Amazon. or
DIRECT from the Manufacturer to our Patients
XYMOGEN’s eStore has become WholeScripts powered by XYMOGEN, a professional-grade,
one-stop nutritional and herbal supplements dispensary as of Summer 2019 or
DIRECT from the Manufacturer to our Patients
XYMOGEN’s eStore has become WholeScripts powered by XYMOGEN, a professional-grade,
one-stop nutritional and herbal supplements dispensary as of Summer 2019
Xymogen is well known for it's superior quality supplements since 2003. It is not available on line from other dispensaries. In 2010, XYMOGEN acquired Dr. David Perlmutter’s line of neurological formulas, BrainSustain™ and NeuroActives™ BrainSustain™ becoming a leader in the modulation of neurological disorders. XYMOGEN is recognized for the tenth time on the Inc. 5000 list as one of the fastest growing and best-run private companies in the USA.
Dr Merrifield's patients can obtain Xymogen products direct from Xymogen by creating an account on previously Contact the clinic to get the REFERRAL CODE then choose "New User" from the LOG IN drop down menu. You may also call Customer Service at 1-800-647-6100 between 9am-6pm EST indicating you have been referred by Dr Merrifield to set up your account. Dr Merrifield may also create recommended orders for her patients and order for them.
Almost always beats Amazon pricing with guaranteed freshness and quality
Almost always beats Amazon pricing with guaranteed freshness and quality
Tap into the virtual world of a personalized online nutraceutical dispensary.
Be assured you are obtaining fresh supplements from the manufacturers (vs the risk of purchasing via secondary, on-line marketing) since the manufacturers themselves directly sell through Wellevate as an authorized reseller (allowing you to avoid grey/black market items). Although you can purchase many brands through Wellevate at a discount, Dr Merrifield patients and community can get a better discount (10-15% and free shipping over $49 on any size order) by ordering directly from the link or buttons on this page.It will only take a few minutes to register at Wellevate's online platform.
You may also call 855-WELLEVATE (1-855-935-5382) to register and get started. As in clinic your Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flex Plan can be used. You can search this large eHealth dispensary by Dr M's recommendation or by category with 300 top supplement brands and over 15,000 ​products including personal care items such as toothpaste, BEZWECHEN hormone products, shampoos, essential oils, and medical foods.

Click Here to Add a Title
Click Here to Add a Title
Tap into the virtual world of a personalized online nutraceutical dispensary.
Fullscript's platform provides free access to the industry's largest catalog of professional-grade supplements.
In the USA they supply access to 275+ brands and 20,000 products with ePrescription functionality.
Fullscript is the #1 platform for dispensing professional grade supplements.
It is a trusted way to be assured you are obtaining fresh supplements from the manufacturers
vs the risk of purchasing via secondary, on-line marketing. The manufacturers themselves directly sell through Fullscript as an authorized reseller allowing you to avoid grey/black market items.

LIRA CLINICAL Skin Restoration and Rejuvenation
Explore these amazing fabulous safe skin products at which are not available in stores. The cost is doable!
You may purchase through the clinic or have them mailed to you.
Call the office or
em​ail us at
These state of the art skin care products were developed by a Master Esthetician who had breast cancer and felt she needed safer products than were available.
After 20 years of looking for a skin line for all ages and all skin tone and textures, this one fulfilled Dr Merrifield's requirements.
Check out and their social media to see why.

Please note that the written contents of this and linked websites are for informational purposes and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are not a patient of Dr Merrifield's please seek the advice of your physician or qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition before undertaking any diet, dietary supplement, exercise, or other health program. If you are a patient of Dr Merrifield's and have a question, or your health status has changed, please call the clinic for assistance.
Mandatory FTA disclaimer
The FDA requires that we include this disclaimer letting readers know that the information in this post about supplements, essential fatty acids ie fish oils or other natural products is not intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease.
According to the FDA only drugs, not dietary supplements, which are from food or plants, can make those kinds of claims.
FYI Did you know that many Prescriptions drugs have their origin from plants? ASA from white willow bark used by the native Americans, Statins from red rice yeast...

Margaret Merrifield MD, CCFP, FCFP 509-628-3060
4960 Rau Lane, Richland WA 99352 iServing the Tri Cities since 1997