What About Supplements?
Supplements are 'bits of concentrated food' or select nutrients no or minimal calories. They are used to correct insufficiency and support biological pathways based on your personal and family history, physical examination and lab testing.
The foundation of restoring and maintaining your health is to make wise food and lifestyle choices.
Applying this fundamental key concept will make it easier to heal and sustain vitality both in your body and mind.
We track outcomes at every visit and adjust your plan as necessary.
Over the past 20 years products were researched and integrated into the practice to suit a variety of budgets/needs.
These are available though the clinic and in our highly recommended vetted Professional eStores.
We try to minimize costs to you by looking for the best quality control with the highest industry standard ingredients and by working closely with various manufacturers and vendors who do not use expensive marketing tactics.
We do not participate in multilevel marketing programs. We routinely discount the products both in clinic and though our eStores.
Please click here for 'Mandatory FDA disclaimer' on our Terms of use page
Per Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, LET FOOD BE YOUR MEDICINE and leave the drugs in the chemists pot (whenever you can-DrM)
What About Supplements?
Supplements are 'bits of concentrated food' or select nutrients no or minimal calories. They are used to correct insufficiency and support biological pathways based on your personal and family history, physical examination and lab testing.
The foundation of restoring and maintaining your health is to make wise food and lifestyle choices.
Applying this fundamental key concept will make it easier to heal and sustain vitality both in your body and mind.
We track outcomes at every visit and adjust your plan as necessary.
Over the past 20 years products were researched and integrated into the practice to suit a variety of budgets/needs.
These are available though the clinic and in our highly recommended vetted Professional eStores.
We try to minimize costs to you by looking for the best quality control with the highest industry standard ingredients and by working closely with various manufacturers and vendors who do not use expensive marketing tactics.
We do not participate in multilevel marketing programs. We routinely discount the products both in clinic and though our eStores.
Please click here for 'Mandatory FDA disclaimer' on our Terms of use page
Per Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, LET FOOD BE YOUR MEDICINE and leave the drugs in the chemists pot (whenever you can-DrM)
Further SAVINGS: There is no sales tax on supplements if
you are a patient and have your nutrients prescribed and purchased through the office. Some of our online eStores
prescribed nutrients may be used as an itemized deduction on your income tax return. Health Savings and workplace Flex Plans (Pre-Tax dollars) can be used.
Your Expert in Integrative Functional Restorative Medicine and Age Management
Margaret Merrifield MD, CCFP, FCFP 509-628-3060
4960 Rau Lane, Richland WA 99352 iServing the Tri Cities since 1997
RestoredHealthbyChoice.org drmerrifieldmd.com